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CenterID: 11060
West County Lanes
Ellisville MO 63011
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LeagueID: 109783
2024 Thursday Mixed League
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 01/04/2024
Start Time: 6:00 PM
Last Updated: 4/22/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 147.
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 147.
Adams, Chad14303459115369116
Armstrong, Ashley20304462148455149
Armstrong, Austin20183172176545177
Avery, John21334686142462143
Bader, Jaden1161087181551182
Bader, Jen11275526204624205
Bailey, Rick22274053150477151
Bardon, Andy246909151459152
Barnes, Shon113406135410136
Barrett, John2182874159486160
Bendick, Liz61514719831199
Boewer, Chris3214149197603198
Boewer, Sandy3151596106330107
Bogar, Adam23335267159493160
Bogar, Allen2391569174531175
Bogar, Tim236975162492163
Bogolin, Tracy4274710174540175
Bret, Darrell8244701195591196
Bret, Julie8304232141454142
Brown, Chris14273207118363119
Brown, Don14182292127396128
Brunner, Ryan13182212122371123
Brunner, Scott13214173198603199
Carlton, Scott991158128390129
Carr, John15274682173538174
Carr, Kim15212465117367118
Cates, Jeff22305030167514168
Colona, John223510170516171
Combs, Greg14364397122400123
Cook, Jeff56728121370122
Cook, Steve17335169156483157
Cordia, John1336620200616201
Cordia, Thurley1334199127409128
Cowell, Michael2244023167513168
Dains, Bill53422140424141
Delia, Steven113568189572190
Deutschmann, Anna10365243145451146
Doak, Kim21364920136423137
Dyer, Adam2122143178542179
Dyer, Dan291324147452148
Ellebrecht, Ben10335476165500166
Evans, Austin1791368152468153
Evans, Ken56941156472157
Fitzgerald, Crystal1798789729898
Frobish, Steven12305751191585192
Fuhrmann, Jim12335645171547172
Gallaher, Cathy23303730124395125
Gallaher, Colin23304436147448148
Gallaher, Erin2315149999301100
Garlick, Patrick19305800193602194
Gillihan, Jennifer163026558828289
Gillihan, Kevin16303720124405125
Gilman, Hailey10303477115351116
Green, Sue96639106324107
Green, Tim9303939131417132
Greenaway, Nolan2274276158494159
Greenlee, Candy8272882106328107
Greenlee, Jim8212947140437141
Grobe, Ken6304249141437142
Grobe, Nick6334336131416132
Harper, Mark24366021167531168
Harper, Tommy24334447134413135
Hayes, Kevin12304061135427136
Heidrick, Travis17335945180571181
Higgins, Scott12182984165502166
Hoffbur, Jack116974162493163
Inman, Tom4182524140437141
Jensen, Laura76917152460153
Jung, T.J.2243301137425138
Kitchell, Brody691226136418137
Kitchell, Jade6364748131400132
Kitchell, Kim7364294119386120
Knobloch, Mac19305461182578183
Knobloch, Marty193537179543180
Knobloch, Ted19366220172527173
Kolb, Laura7243592149458150
Kolb, Matt7274118152472153
Krakoviak, Kim15151709113343114
Krakoviak, Kyndra1591115123373124
Krakoviak, Pete15213316157476158
Kuntz, Steve93350116352117
Lacy, Kelly1334929149471150
Lacy, Todd1335622170534171
Leinauer, Bridget21212529120375121
Liesenfeld, Kristen16182626145440146
Liesenfeld, Phillip16303605120388121
Littiken, Jeff4243129130408131
Long, Ryan13273614133406134
Love, Alex11335714173550174
Massa, Scott18122172181558182
Masucci, Griffin2461023170516171
May, Steve8335620170536171
McCoy, Craig15243850160497161
Metzner, Tony9151726115362116
Mika, Anne9121355112340113
Mika, Emily93628988026181
Mika, Jeff9273849142441143
Mika, Matt93470156472157
Morgan, Connor18213547168509169
Morgenthaler, Brian4273693136417137