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CenterID: 889
Tinley Park Bowling
7601 183rd Steet
Tinley ParkIL 60477
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LeagueID: 81890
Bowls On: Mondays
Start Date: 05/08/2023
Start Time: 6:45 PM
Last Updated: 8/21/2023

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Curnew, Graham13440146442147
Freitag, Steven13532177536178
Marin, Marcus13589196593197
Witte, Tim13486162492163
Dronzek, Dan23561187567188
Ganczewski, Chris23433144437145
Garvey, Ryan23591197597198
Jasionowski, Kevin23601200605201
Banda, Anthony33507169513170
Smith, Jake33608202610203
Smith, Michelle33516172522173
Zivo, Danielle33329109331110
Cox Jr.., Jerry43680226682227
Gabel, Brian43625208629209
Nemec, John43629209631210
Smith, Joe43542180544181
Banach, Richard53438146444147
Malec, Ken53538179542180
Pisarczyk Sr.., Rick53560186562187
Blackwood, Bob63548182550183
Blackwood, Heidi63405135411136
Pisarczyk, Evelyn63473157475158
Winters, Jim63500166502167
Andersen, Wally73466155470156
Maholovich, Jake73548182550183
Mocha, Greg73615205621206
Padalino, Joe73493164497165
Fudala, Dan83523174527175
Niemiec, Mark83459153465154
Shuman, Howard83480160486161
Widule, Ken83481160485161
Spiess, Erik93601200605201
Wilamowski, Alex93573191579192
Wilamowski, Jeff93467155469156
Wilamowski, Jordyn93518172520173
Jaklich, Nick103527175529176
Selvey, Tim103532177536178
Smith, Bobby103635211637212
Spiess, Alyssa103514171518172
Acevedo, Erica113449149451150
Acevedo, Shawn113538179542180
Wiltgen, Nate113575191577192
Abney, Scott123623207625208
Messina, Pete123527175529176
Messina, Tracey123306102312103
Slepski, Wayne123570190576191
Steinbach, Barbara1332387924280
Steinbach, Brett133435145441146
Steinbach, Drew133523174527175
Steinbach, Reid133688229692230
Kirchman, Steve143490163494164
Luzzo, Chris143457152461153
Poole, Scott143424141428142
Wolf, Tim143467155469156
Hardesty, Al153664221668222
Maciejewski, Gina153494164496165
Maciejewski Sr.., Jason153720240726241
Klockowski, Brad163462154468155
Klockowski, Jeff163592197596198
Klockowski, Jim163558186564187
Klockowski, Wes163559186563187
Carlson, Jack173630210636211
Carlson, Rich173545181547182
Kelly, Tom173634211638212
Strojny, Sean173580193584194
Fettig, Rich183359119361120
Radavic, Mark183328109332110
Rinaldi Jr.., Carl183408136414137
Rinaldi, Greg183477159483160
Konczal, Dave193626208628209
Konczal, Lauren193570190576191
Liesse, Jim193666222672223
Strugar, Caty193376125380126
Atwater, Torry203766255770256
Brown, Wardell203595198599199
Malone, Shayne203480160486161