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CenterID: 2118
Sun Valley Lanes
321 Victory Lane
LincolnNE 68528-1585
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LeagueID: 131630
Craft Beer League 2023
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 05/25/2023
Start Time: 6:30 PM
Last Updated: 8/3/2023

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Anaya, Toni8243425142436143
Anderson, Kyle5304029134426135
Ayubzai, Adib6304189139431140
Bartek, Octavious106680113346114
Boden, Clayton10182957164508165
Brokaw, Kyle4273448127392128
Brokaw, Natasha4273417126393127
Bush, Jake2273411126399127
Caster, Josh8212288108328109
Cates, Jace10121402116353117
Colonna, Erin8242826117360118
Colonna, Steve86660110339111
Feehan, Ryan9274453164497165
Flowers, Mike89947105325106
Flowers, Regina81511217422975
Fox, Samantha7274484166526167
Freeburg, Travis4183378187570188
Gieske, Jonathan5273286121374122
Goines, Renauld6304274142445143
Hank, Colby1274916182574183
Hank, Jordan1213946187566188
Hank, Taylor1182038113356114
Hansen, Andrew10273256120374121
Harvey, Ben2303640121386122
Hermanson, Derrick13598199602200
Irby, James13601200605201
Johnson, Chris73568189572190
Johnson, Garrett23605201607202
Johnson, Ivan7183228179552180
Johnson, Noel2304165138422139
Keys, Shawn6273458128412129
Kjar, Chris43334111338112
Kohn, Anne23317105319106
Kopf, Mary Jo7151750116356117
Krieger, Tom632819328394
Madsen, Rod7243046126383127
Maley, Michael6304476149474150
Mohr, Jim3244512188591189
Mohr, Jodi33372124378125
Morrisey, Jordan9274078151482152
Moss-Williams, Mika932608626287
Nguyen, Danny10303222107342108
Peterson, Cindy3182265125381126
Peterson, Jamie3151935129405130
Peterson, Mike3182073115363116
Peterson, Ryan3305191173551174
Peterson, Tony3213305157487158
Peterson, Zane5303480116381117
Prochaska, BJ10273319122371123
Robertson, Kyler4121819151461152
Rohde, Colby1122030169520170
Rohde, Holly1273752138418139
Schook, Steffany81510747122272
Schulte, Derek5212177103319104
Seitz, Daryl4153116207628208
Stichka, Dustin9303848128409129
Swanson, Jake2273772139428140
Tharnish, Brad9303680122379123
Turek, Cara13417139423140
Turek, Tony161142190577191
Walker, Jason491410156474157
Weekley, Scott7182406133408134