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CenterID: 3412
Smyrna Bowling Center
95 Weakley Ln
SmyrnaTN 37167
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LeagueID: 46704
Tuesday Winter Seniors 2024
Bowls On: Tuesdays
Start Date: 01/09/2024
Start Time: 10:30 AM
Last Updated: 4/23/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Abriola, Rick T1991481164499165
Barnett, Barbara491012112344113
Baudoin, Sue761164194591195
Bell, Ken1891324147452148
Bieze, Mark591241137415138
Bowen, Walter1491493165499166
Bradley, Mike891492165500166
Brewer, Tom56821136412137
Bruton, John93608202610203
Buchanan, Chuck2191399155473156
Burian, Ken1991361151463152
Campbell, Robert2391225136419137
Clark, Linda691096121368122
Compton, Bob2291138126386127
Condor, Darren391518168510169
Craddock, Jerry1691539171525172
Crisp, Cris126690115354116
Crisp, Marie1291299144441145
Cruz, George1191364151460152
DeWilde, Gail2491212134408135
DeWilde, Richard2491280142436143
Dial, Eddie106940156473157
Drinnen, Alan106970161488162
Fluty, Mark1391616179544180
Goodwin, Peggie1791147127389128
Guy, John1691659184561185
Hardison, Mike1991303144437145
Hargrove, Louis163472157476158
Harris, Molly191210134410135
Harris, Rick1991416157480158
Harris, Rick A491522169518170
Hill, Beverly256895149455150
Houston, Willie861106184559185
Hughes, Brenda491217135415136
Hughes, Wendy2691352150460151
Hughes, Willie2191405156479157
Hutchison, Larry83497165499166
Ikard, Lance1491021113347114
Irby, Cheryl791509167507168
Jackson, Keith166921153465154
Jackson, Shirley1291127125385126
Johnson, Diana391335148453149
Johnson, Jean291211134409135
Johnson, Sheila291295143433144
Jones, Chrislynn69966107330108
Jones, Eddie2591190132406133
King, Billy991427158481159
Lance, Sterling1091260140432141
Lobb, David191458162498163
Loeffler, Travis791961217655218
Lowman, Bill206867144438145
Lyons, Carla2291087120365121
Mallon, Sarah291038115354116
Mason, Joe1591729192587193
Mason, Shirley1591183131401132
Massengill, Steve1891659184561185
McGatha, John391604178544179
Mickle, Linda1591481164499165
Mickle, Tony1591515168513169
Miller, David186973162494163
Muchmore, Don1261110185564186
Murray, Shirley1691355150457151
Orman, Dave991619179541180
Osborne, Ike26872145442146
Parson, Boyd206651108330109
Parson, Mae206795132402133
Peterson, Kris2191353150459151
Priest, Cherry1491060117356118
Purnell, Janice391216135416136
Rankin, Frank2191535170517171
Rary, Carol691038115354116
Rary, Tony691630181554182
Rice, Mike2291405156479157
Richardson, Amy2098699629597
Robertson, Janie179989109331110
Ruiz, Bill96990165504166
Russell, Lynn1391292143436144
Russell, Roberta1391333148455149
Sanford, Brenda791222135410136
Segars, Dallas1491461162495163
Shapbell, Bonnie2397037824579
Shine, Dan1091444160488161
Short, Carol16792132405133
Sparks, Anne249992110340111
Stempfley, Carmen2491197133411134
Storey, Kay2691224136420137
Suddarth, Sam891609178539179
Thompson, Erica2261047174528175
Upleger, Ray1891276141428142
Vanhala, Bebe1191394154466155
Vanhala, Mike1191845205627206
Vick, Pat113409136413137
Wakins, Bill239938104322105
Wakins, Wanda2391211134409135
Waldron, Carolyn491252139428140
Waldron, Frank56905150454151
Young, Mae1791370152466153