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CenterID: 1652
Richfield Bowl
5340 Richfield Rd
FlintMI 48506
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LeagueID: 37098
Optimist 23-24
Bowls On: Fridays
Start Date: 09/08/2023
Start Time: 6:00 PM
Last Updated: 4/23/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 144.
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 144.
Stinson, Ashley233327208226883
Svinarich, Trisha191513118727388
Smith, Hallie2032869529096
Ruiz, Alejandraa19394050103318104
Hamrick, Terry18424405104320105
Jones, Melissa19303222107342108
Nichols, Stacey11333584108340109
Stinson, Doug23363936109354110
Day, Twyla21394673119367120
Williams, Nadine10334076123388124
Friend, Pat15273377125403126
Gardner, Chris16364576127416128
Lewis, Micki20212702128394129
Christensen, Chris16364677129393130
Wears, Victoria20303939131417132
Gatica, Marija19121607133403134
VanDalen, Lucas20364818133408134
Plantz, Dawn22334444134416135
Burke, Missy22395271135441136
Huffman, Vanessa8425687135433136
Saidoo, Denice14334509136423137
Tucker, Rachel8395325136429137
Delikta, Tammy20304125137429138
Svinarich, Laura19152088139432140
Villarreal, John18425983142452143
Hudkins, Tyrus20395598143450144
Woodfield, Mark63434144436145
Berry, Darris12365227145467146
Ferrell, Mike156876146447147
Miller, Annette18426175147485148
Lamberton, Brian10395786148472149
Ritchie, Lela12426227148478149
Gembel, Linda22426260149490150
Bush, Paula19335009151463152
Davis, Wanda15395900151484152
Tucker, Lynn8426423152462153
Anderson, Theresa22335063153481154
Tucker, Cameron11365541153465154
Isbell, Brent12396026154484155
Jackson, Anthony21396014154496155
Konrad, Bill9396043154467155
Padilla, Joe1091420157476158
Stamm, Robert2304717157497158
Mathis, Greg4426747160498161
Sharp, Dan4325140160495161
Licquia, Craig13304835161511162
Nichols, James11396325162521163
Riedel, Jason203487162491163
Moorhouse, Ken1491473163495164
Stevenson, Jeff13365873163523164
Day, Rickie21426912164513165
Generes, Russ7426926164499165
Sizemore, Ron3213457164503165
Baxter, Adam6274502166508167
Brownfield, Doug24426984166531167
Svinarich, Josh2396474166540167
Tipton, Katina17427048167512168
Summers, Curtis43505168509169
Crossnoe, Dave9427111169539170
Kilbreath, Bill16396669171555172
Whitman, Duane3305186172523173
Whitner, Eunice15366215172532173
Huffman, Scott8427287173543174
Langworthy, Jeremy23427332174543175
Nichols, Frank11427362175558176
Ritchie, Jerry18396882176552177
Loiselle, Randy3366416178565179
Fournier, Doug14427539179561180
Ritchie, Gerald12397004179556180
Hodge, Jeff16427601180544181
Hubbard, Joshua17366545181553182
Rybka, Haleigh5366527181571182
Sawicki, Matt5366549181549182
Licquia, Steve13152734182560183
Friend, Don15366613183563184
Baldwin Jr, Clarence15274973184577185
Wykes, Scott24152767184563185
Jorah Sr, Mike11427783185587186
Olds, Nicole9427777185593186
Teuber, Sara73555185561186
Baxter, Sarah6275052187588188
Olds Jr., Thomas9397330187566188
Rasmussen, Brian4427863187597188
Saidoo, Paul14366738187594188
Svinarich, Bruce2366827189583190
Hodge, Bryan16152863190575191
Haggerty, Mike6152879191577192
Licquia, Robert13428043191597192
Shaver, Mark2122297191583192
Stamm, Troy24305744191592192
Troyer, Dawn22397480191584192
Shaw, Craig4428084192601193
Mahnke, Dan16428123193607194
Lamson, Tom391746194594195
Neeley, James21305850195618196
Craine, Mark1367087196596197
Ward, Matt4367073196610197
Crow, David13428301197609198
Finks, Bryan23428312197598198
Foster, Ben24214175198601199