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CenterID: 4853
Rab's Country Lanes
1600 Hylan Boulevard
Staten IslandNY 10305
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LeagueID: 43710
Golden Oldies
Bowls On: Mondays
Start Date: 09/11/2023
Start Time: 9:30 AM
Last Updated: 4/29/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Weiss, Gloria13415138419139
Bryan-Smith, Hermine23336112342113
Emilio, MaryLou23393131399132
Pianoforte, Denise232869529096
Reyes, Jose23557185559186
Lampariello, Robert33558186564187
Vitellio, John33447149453150
Fischetti, Vicky43351117357118
Flores, Tony43382127386128
Griffiths, Tom42328164497165
Lagmay, Manny43392130394131
Miller, Cecelia43323107325108
Hahl, Richard53472157476158
Nicholson, Susie53377125379126
Wilson, Victor53540180546181
Cento, John63421140425141
Flores, Zeny63363121369122
Gentile, Patsy63428142430143
Griffiths, Christine62238119362120
Gullo, Jette73504168510169
Hastings, Anne73369123375124
Manna, Michael73349116353117
Oliverio, Linda73367122371123
O'Sullivan, Tom73493164497165
Bellantoni, Dotty83501167507168
Francis, Roberta83402134408135
Hall, Marilyn83412137416138
Taranto, Florence83313104317105
Alicea, Julio93403134407135
Califra, John932969829899
Pontebbi, John93446148448149
Salamone, Joe93399133405134
Francis, Carolyn103343114347115
Taylor, Vicky103414138420139
Weisenstein, Iona103480160486161
Weiss, Howard103457152461153
Muszel, Richard113596198598199
Olivieri, Christina112235117355118
Rodriguez, Flor113335111337112
Trischetta, Anne11329799303100
Borst, Dawn123453151459152
Boyd, Alexis1232939729598
Panlilio, Lourdes123356118358119
Pisciotta, Vincent123452150454151
Weissman, Marilyn123440146442147
Bass, Brian133522174528175
LaPlant, Maureen133464154466155
Simpson, Sylvia133455151457152
Abrahams, Jules143428142430143
Harris, Jerry143385128389129
Marder, Avery143445148449149
Matera, Frank143548182550183
Camarda, Fran153390130396131
Panlilio, Gil153534178540179
Scribani, Dolores1532608626287
Bilotti, Helen163456152462153
Foye, Linda163383127385128
Marder, Elaine163348116354117
Paholek, Bob163372124378125
Stevens, Tom163413137415138