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CenterID: 5144
Mockingbird Lanes
4870 South 96th St
OmahaNE 68127
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LeagueID: 55983
Ten Pins 2023-2024
Bowls On: Wednesdays
Start Date: 08/23/2023
Start Time: 6:00 PM
Last Updated: 4/17/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 103.
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 103.
Adams, Chris183460153464154
Albertson, Kevin43647215649216
Anderson, Lindsey123406135410136
Barkhaus, Tom223536178538179
Basch, Steve63513171519172
Bennett, Pat193390130396131
Bernal Jr.., Dave123545181547182
Black Sr.., Dave73635211637212
Black Jr.., Dave73539179541180
Blodgett, Bryan23526175530176
Blodgett, Steve23658219662220
Braun, Jim103624208630209
Brudny, Dean63617205619206
Bunce, Brian223499166503167
Bush, James223453151459152
Buss, Frank223430143434144
Byers, Bob103479159481160
Canaga, Bryce23382127386128
Canaga, Scott23416138418139
Cirian, Austin193638212640213
Cirian, Colton193342114348115
Clark, Ed13612204618205
Colson, Dale163539179541180
Conlin, Tony153583194587195
Cundall, Brad33532177536178
Dikmanas, Shawn143565188569189
Dimmock, Russell13557185559186
Dunn, Bruce173456152462153
Dunn, James173554184556185
Dunn, Tim173674224676225
Dyer, Chris223535178539179
Eggert, Tom123489163495164
Embrey, Matt13580193584194
Fabry, John93561187567188
Fender, Clarence143488162490163
Foster, Rick143705235711236
Frank, Ryan43727242731243
Gill, Cindy63534178540179
Grady, Brian153605201607202
Grothe, Gary83424141428142
Hansen, Rochelle43597199603200
Hartnett, Mike193478159482160
Henderson, Russ23479159481160
Jackson, Stan73494164496165
Johnson, Brian173525175531176
Kampschneider, John103491163493164
King, Alan133688229692230
Knott, Mike163558186564187
Koehler, Dave33549183555184
Koenig, Ron83511170515171
Koetje, Lori163396132402133
Konwinski, Gene183437145439146
Kottke, Mark133564188570189
Krupski, Mickey193376125380126
Leonard Jr.., Pat103475158479159
Leonard Sr.., Pat103518172520173
Litton, Chris13531177537178
Madsen, Larry93619206623207
Mason, Anthony43563187565188
Mason, Bob43589196593197
McCann, Kevin203473157475158
Messner, Andy33553184557185
Mikula, Jerry113551183553184
Mills, Janessa123552184558185
Miracky, Dan133521173523174
Miracky, Kevin133443147445148
Miracky, Rick133448149452150
Murray, Kevin13406135410136
Neeley, Dan213363121369122
Nelson, Kevin213498166504167
Norton, Greg63451150455151
Nuzum, David53529176533177
Olsen, Dick113585195591196
Olsen, Lawrence83562187566188
Olsen, Rick83547182551183
Pauly, Jake53585195591196
Pauly, Sean53646215650216
Pederson, Alan213460153464154
Perrizo, Pete143580193584194
Perron, Doug163502167506168
Petrie, Mike143611203613204
Prall, Jack93532177536178
Real, Rob213491163493164
Rodis, Jim183435145441146
Senden, Matt153542180544181
Sommer Jr., Mike123538179542180
Stangl, Todd113569189571190
Stenner, Jake203620206622207
Steward, Chris73598199602200
Storm, Doug203365121367122
Sturm, Paul183644214646215
Sullivan, Sean83616205620206
Swift, Jerad63629209631210
Thompson, Rich163579193585194
Thor, John93646215650216
Townsend, Ron173642214648215
Tuck, Steve93707235709236
Utter, Daniel53605201607202
Utter, Dylan53533177535178
Vasquez, Guady33572190574191