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CenterID: 5144
Mockingbird Lanes
4870 South 96th St
OmahaNE 68127
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LeagueID: 55972
Scratch Draft 2023-2024
Bowls On: Wednesdays
Start Date: 08/23/2023
Start Time: 9:30 PM
Last Updated: 4/10/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Smith, Brittley16183174176543177
Corbaley, Jason13244330180557181
Halliday, Tim3183344185562186
Jourdan, Anthony31244513188590189
Cunningham, Corey20244565190592191
Dennis, Jordan31244575190582191
Ficke, Danny15213990190594191
Hansen, Rochelle13214007190577191
Jordan, Aaron18244584191600192
Davis, Dixie17244630192581193
Eggert, Gerald22244646193592194
Jura, Ron23244656194609195
Briggs, Lester30244691195601196
Harvey, Marcia19244750197596198
Vetter, Katie14244758198615199
Hausman, Matt28214200200624201
Kaiser (R) Jr.., Larry4244800200627201
McGinnis, Shawn8244808200619201
Felberg, Colin12244824201630202
Prudhome, Josh15244835201619202
Reiss, Ed6214241201607202
Eklund, Sean24244861202620203
Shovan, Alan20214259202613203
Stennis, Otto11244856202625203
Bullard, Bryan6214282203614204
Casper, Bryan1153050203622204
Nowels, Kobi263613204617205
Thompson, Rich9153069204621205
Weber, Jami1214306205638206
Wood, Jo21244923205639206
Minino, Suzy20244962206627207
Cary, Tyler21244979207637208
King, Alan32244976207640208
Odom, Travis2244986207630208
Points, Chris32183759208630209
Simmons, Ricky30214382208634209
Terrell, Mike32183745208644209
Gatlin, David11245021209649210
Nelson, Ben10245039209631210
Yarbrough, Ryan29245027209643210
Cotton, Jimmy25245048210649211
Manna, Trish14245051210646211
Huddleston, Keane18245071211653212
Lewis, Brian9214449211639212
Hamblen, Eddie23214463212649213
Hurst, Brandon25214459212653213
Loveless, Andrew7245094212657213
Frank, Ryan8245120213658214
Robertson, Craig3245114213664214
Roth, Bryan14153203213649214
Hurst, Lisa25245152214653215
Ruzicka, Kristen24245144214661215
Biery, Nicki2245180215652216
Cervantes, Mark22245163215669216
Engquist, Mark4245175215657216
Engquist, Matt4234963215653216
Blair, Chris5245199216660217
Chuchka, Steve28245198216661217
Byars, Aaron7245231217655218
McCarthy, Erin2891953217663218
Mickel, Julius11245230217656218
Trelles, Tyler93653217655218
Vasquez, Guadalupe27245211217675218
Biery, Todd2245254218659219
Ethen, Marcus9245241218672219
Goodwin, Chad28153276218666219
Smith (R), Chad16245235218678219
Stubbs, Mickey1153275218667219
Bruckner, A.J.10245273219667220
Cary, Ryan19245258219682220
Mason, Anthony26245265219675220
McPheeters, Scott12245275219665220
Portis, Kenneth5245257219683220
Rodabaugh, Landon8245272219668220
Schrader, Brad26245272219668220
Dall, Larry15245320221674222
Hollars, Jason3245325221669222
Malone, Lonnie17183988221674222
Wood, Chris16245312221682222
Dasenbrock, Dylan7245335222686223
Shannon, Brian5245355223693224
Serrano, Dustin13245386224689225
Smith (L), Chad19245397224678225
Anderson, Aaron17245405225697226
Gourneau, Joe23184067225679226
Liekhus, Jason31245402225700226
Bowen, Joe24245461227695228
Jackson, Shawn29245457227699228
Bonafilia, Kevin1122770230695231
Hanssen, Kevin6245603233715234
Riedler, Nick27214904233712234
Masterson, Tyler12245648235724236
Watts, Kevin29245721238732239
Powers, Ryan18215026239734240
Zimmerli, Jeff30245759239721240
Snodgrass, Jamal10245762240745241
Tomsu, Matt21245828242733243
Points, Steve3292290254770255