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CenterID: 2650
Foxfire Lanes
225 Security St
KannapolisNC 28083-2757
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LeagueID: 118364
2024 Mixed 100's
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 04/11/2024
Start Time: 6:30 PM
Last Updated: 4/26/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Albitz, Phillip243383127385128
Albitz, Stephanie2432969829899
Anderson, Josh73669223675224
Anthony, Jon43398132400133
Banks, Dakota83494164496165
Barnett, Sam203487162491163
Biggs, Tyler153679226683227
Booker, Cori103484161488162
Brooks, Charles23409136413137
Bryant, Michael163623207625208
Carpenter, Candice213382127386128
Cooper, Cheree2432317723778
Cooper, Randy243360120366121
Crow, Glen13365121367122
Daniel, Richard233395131397132
Devaux, Jordan23560186562187
Dixon, Jonina103550183554184
Dobrick, Matt153451150455151
Dudas, Chris103692230694231
Duncan, Noah63567189573190
Edwards, Jim83524174526175
Fletcher, Thomas63514171518172
Forbes, Rebecca193401133403134
Gann, Amy93389129391130
Gann, Greg93470156472157
Gillum, Cameron33453151459152
Griffin, Richard23622207626208
Hall, Allyson133363121369122
Hall, Jacob173508169512170
Hester, Darryn83315105321106
Hill Sr., Billy53498166504167
Hill Jr., Billy203666222672223
Hill, Keith13481160485161
Hilton, James153428142430143
Hilton, Mason153573191579192
Honbarger, John143548182550183
Hughes, Zachary33642214648215
Irons, John193561187567188
Irons, Wendy193469156473157
Irwin, Tom123480160486161
Krec, Aurora223418139422140
Lackey, Desiree13374124376125
Langley, Dutch133405135411136
Langley, Ron133503167505168
Lee Jr., Todd93343114347115
Louisos, Christina233375125381126
Martin, Andrew53593197595198
Maulden, Todd13473157475158
McGhee, Todd183445148449149
McGrady, Jerry143455151457152
McGrady, Marie143363121369122
Merck, Katrina163461153463154
Miles, Allen53573191579192
Miles, Rebecca53455151457152
Moss, Amanda83387129393130
Murphy, Brendan213592197596198
Murphy, John93575191577192
Noblitt, Joey203642214648215
Noblitt, Julie213531177537178
Odom, Robert123444148450149
Ortiz, Janice233371123373124
Ortiz, Tony233459153465154
Pope, David33560186562187
Pope, Janice33404134406135
Price, Jacob63580193584194
Price, Jed63659219661220
Reed, Todd23449149451150
Richardson, Adam113504168510169
Rose, Diane213474158480159
Shanahan, Cindy173383127385128
Skinner, Jennifer73452150454151
Smith, Jamie113478159482160
Smith, Justin163471157477158
Smith, Michael193412137416138
Smith, Nathan163482160484161
Stewart, Matt113379126383127
Tock, Michael113442147446148
Ware, Hailey183347115349116
Ware, Jonathan183683227685228
Watkins, Andrew43381127387128
Watkins, Chris173518172520173
Watkins, Kevin43423141429142
White, Fluffy73450150456151
White, Johnny73485161487162
White, Vinson103757252761253
Whitley, Jordan1432929729698
Williams, Charles123516172522173
Williams Jr., Charles123454151458152
Wilson, Victor223386128388129