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CenterID: 2650
Foxfire Lanes
225 Security St
KannapolisNC 28083-2757
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LeagueID: 18153
2023-24 Thursday Night Mixed
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 08/17/2023
Start Time: 6:30 PM
Last Updated: 4/5/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Barnett, Sam3428676206639207
Bostian, Katie8334788145468146
Bridges, Kelley5364542126411127
Bryant, Michael19428173194602195
Buck, Janet18396386163502164
Canipe, Cameron2333416103328104
Carpenter, Candice15395457139423140
Carpenter, Jim15426845162490163
Coley, Laney7426780161510162
Devlin, Denise20427026167534168
Dodge, Chloe1396844175548176
Drake, Chad21397242185570186
Drake, Shona21303801126390127
Dunn, Frankie3367530209660210
Easterday, Cindy16427340174535175
Easterday, Michael16427606181584182
Furr, Cody1429235219665220
Harper, Tristia5386814179566180
Hatley, Tony10397280186574187
Hill Sr., Billy4427008166507167
Hill Jr., Billy4428426200619201
Hill, Cynthia4396100156494157
Houston, Alex5427558179542180
Irons, John13366383177559178
Irons, Wendy13304490149460150
Kelly, Richard18335490166522167
Kerley, Emily13428308197602198
Krec, Aurora9335404163500164
Krueger, Barrett1336454195602196
Lamb, Bryson8368566237716238
Lamb, Melissa8397204184566185
Laskey, Scott7366512180547181
Laskey, Susan7304094136427137
Long, Barbara21395633144457145
Lore, Jason20428269196596197
MacMullin, Joe16425965142470143
MacMullin, Mandy163933108426085
Miles, Allen2397878202648203
Miles, Rebecca2426606157504158
Miller, Stephen5398564219676220
Moore, Prisca3364239117363118
Murphy, Brendan20427648182587183
Noblitt, Joey17397926203642204
Noblitt, Julie17335886178558179
Noblitt, Sam17367310203646204
Peters, Breanna19275230193590194
Poteat, Wood8428342198613199
Prince, Jason2398135208643209
Regis, Shelley15364166115358116
Reynolds, Barb18375979161501162
Robbins, Kim4426529155491156
Rose, Colleen20396959178559179
Rumrill, Derek9428376199624200
Sanders, Heather11363903108348109
Sanders, Nathan11428641205629206
Sanders, Stephen11398485217671218
Sechler, Jacob15428062191578192
Seymour, Bobby12398363214667215
Seymour, Donnie12364733131415132
Shanahan, Cindy9273931145449146
Shoe, Amy6394909125383126
Shoe, Donnie6428819209631210
Skinner, Jennifer10366057168534169
Smith, Jamie6395871150471151
Smith, Kahlan7426080144445145
Spangenberg, Alex19396547167509168
Steele, Mark10427545179555180
Stephens, Cassandra17366015167537168
Thompson, Tommy18427452177558178
Tock, Michael6427356175564176
Tomkinson, Courtney19396765173543174
Watkins, Chris9427685182550183
Weaver, Rick12366342176561177
Wiser-Smith, Teresa10305320177554178
Yost, Charles14428523202612203
Yost, Rebecca14426101145469146
Yost, Steven14376971188589189