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CenterID: 640
Dunedin Lanes
405 Patricia Avenue
DunedinFL 34698
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LeagueID: 89711
Dunedin Trio 2023-2024
Bowls On: Wednesdays
Start Date: 08/30/2023
Start Time: 7:00 PM
Last Updated: 4/24/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Vanschaick, Jodi4394942126392127
Clark, Sue11303867128390129
Wilson, Arden24456131136445137
Mills, Chris11121653137417138
Immig, Judy23243356139424140
Kirkman, Sharon2456359141457142
Rodriguez, Jennifer18304269142450143
Vanbaber, Ken21131884144436145
Marnie, Sue17486973145473146
Ruggiero, Christie18324678146467147
Pietroburgo, Leah24213105147447148
Bradley, Helen12456774150474151
Lafflin, Kathryn12487270151482152
Seltzer, Scott1891366151458152
Crain, Melissa3426392152493153
Daly, Deedee17487329152474153
Buird, Robyn13456911153481154
Bonvicino, Bob2426698159502160
D'Agostino, Jenine11213383161505162
Stevenson, Matt233489163495164
Houghton, Richard791488165504166
Harmon, Gordon6488045167523168
Srock, Christine8488058167510168
Buird, Josh13488123169547170
Hankins, Russell17488117169553170
Thomas, Bryan6457690170518171
Tucci, Joe1366127170542171
Mooneyhan, Dianna12427198171542172
Hinchey, Brenda4427352175568176
Scanlon, Pat14427398176567177
Moncrieff, John2488553178576179
Seltzer, Alan18488660180571181
Weaver, Jim20458109180579181
Granger, Austin11336052183572184
Jensen, Leroy18183302183562184
Millheim, Jennifer16458274183558184
Carrubba, Anthony1991663184557185
Grumblatt, Sandy23366630184585185
Hulsey, Jamey19458294184586185
Caine, Jeff5366775188596189
Brownstein, Jerry10458590190578191
Buird, Bernard13489123190618191
Carifi, Frank10489142190599191
Betke, Bill7336321191591192
Crain, Steven3489211191581192
Hickman, Bobby6428093192592193
Berry, Joseph961159193587194
Koenig, Ralph5489309193585194
Pietroburgo, Ernest24489309193585194
Vinson, Ron15458687193625194
Gworek, Larry8428222195598196
Desantis, Lou22428238196627197
Taves, Adam193590196592197
Roy, Ed1183553197605198
Monaghan, Bobby1428390199610200
Williams, Joshua21458966199634200
Antous, Jeff10387743203621204
Starkey, Scott1336699203645204
Scanlon, Stephanie14428596204629205
Crain, Jenn2091848205624206
Stoddard, Howie5459255205633206
Wheeler, Freida20398005205647206
Leslie, Scott591871207625208
Pippenger, Paul8489971207637208
Wright, Joe9398087207649208
Harris, Chuck14398118208660209
Lonsdale, Lance19428753208652209
Hinton, Tony2191884209636210
Clifton, Mark224810150211662212
Dawkins Jr., Kenneth23245067211657212
Guy, Steve34810142211670212
Parrett, Michael291900211644212
Baker, Brad94810212212651213
Ray, Kevin21469774212663213
Magazine, Kaylee1461282213644214
Nothstein, Alan11459616213656214
Cooper, Tracie15428994214681215
Taylor, Von243643214647215
Klotchko, Pat16459749216667217
Lafflin, George154810384216683217
Woodward, Jerry74810402216665217
Grages, Scott1551089217655218
Millheim, Bernard661316219664220
Aquino, Ray9459918220690221
Beach, James164810593220678221
Coddington, Walt19459944220664221
Hinchey, Chris4429301221689222
Dawkins, Lenney234510060223692224
Allen, George1122709225681226
Wheeler, Tom20398796225696226
Olesh, Michael1661373228688229
Thompson, Dan74811002229728230
Brown, Steve20122844237726238