Lane Assignments


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LeagueID: 135233
2023-24 JV Boy Lakeshore Conf.
Bowls On: Tuesdays
Start Date: 10/10/2023
Start Time: 4:15 PM
Last Updated: 2/14/2024

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Below are the Social Distancing Lane Assignments for your NEXT bowling session. In certain scenarios, we are unable to provide "who" you are bowling against, unfortunately.

Shift Information


Lane Assignments
LaneShiftTM#Team Name Team Name
111Wheeler Valparaiso
212Valparaiso Wheeler
313Chesterton Hobart
414Hobart Chesterton
515South Central Laporte
616Laporte South Central
717Portage Westville
818Westville Portage
919Edison Michigan City
10110Michigan City Edison
11111Score Pair 1-1 Scores Pair 1-2
12112Scores Pair 1-2 Score Pair 1-1
13113Scores Pair 2-1 Scores Pair 2-2
14114Scores Pair 2-2 Scores Pair 2-1
15115Scores Pair 3-1 Scores Pair 3-2
16116Scores Pair 3-2 Scores Pair 3-1
17117Scores Pair 4-1 Scores Pair 4-2
18118Scores Pair 4-2 Scores Pair 4-1
19119Scores Pair 5-1 Scores Pair 5-2
20120Scores Pair 5-2 Scores Pair 5-1