Bowling Leagues


Center Header

CenterID: 5136
Eufaula Bowling
1229 N Eufaula Avenue
EufaulaAL 36027

Below is the list of bowling leagues for the Eufaula Bowling Eufaula AlabamaBowling Center

If your bowling league is not listed, talk with your bowling center management or your bowling league secretary about uploading your bowling league data to us using CDE Software's BLS Program. Once you have the bowling league software, there is no charge to upload your bowling league data to our website!

The AVG column represents the average of the entire league. If you are looking for a more competitive league, choose one with a higher average. If you are looking for just a casual league, choose a lower average league.

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending.

League IDLeagueSeasonDayTimeType Last UpdatedAVG
135307Fall Open 2023Fall Thur06:45 PMHdcp Adlt Mix12/08/2023117
136678Thursday Open 2024Wnt Thur06:45 PMHdcp Adlt Mix05/29/2024124
137789Thursday Summer 2024Sum Thur06:15 PMHdcp Adlt Mix06/13/2024129