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CenterID: 3794
West Seattle Bowl
4505 39th SW
SeattleWA 98116
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LeagueID: 116290
Thirsty Thursdays Winter 2024
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 01/04/2024
Start Time: 4:40 PM
Last Updated: 4/12/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Blankemeyer, Tim83575191577192
Bosquez, Erick63534178540179
Boyles, Ben63561187567188
Cato, Kevin33466155470156
Chung, Alan93611203613204
Clemons, Travis83553184557185
Cloud, Brandon73415138419139
Coronado, Leonardo113469156473157
Dearing, Steven93341113343114
Dela Cruz, Jon63420140426141
Feliciano, Hector153660220666221
Freeman, Matthew93361120365121
Hanada, Brent53493164497165
Hoang, Justin53479159481160
Hobbs, Kevin73545181547182
Hole, Chuck13422140424141
Hole, Riley13454151458152
Iles, Frank123569189571190
Jasper, Nick73596198598199
Jozaitis, Andrew13475158479159
Kencayd, Korby33496165500166
Khuu, Bryant53498166504167
Le, Hoai143526175530176
Leong, Ben123575191577192
Lloyd, Lance33445148449149
Locke, Jacob103492164498165
Locke, Tenny103469156473157
Maglalang-Weakl, Andrew23532177536178
Maglalang-Weakl, Jason153594198600199
Maness, Greg103388129392130
Martin, Chris103466155470156
Martin, Joanna153306102312103
McNeil, Bill83621207627208
Mueller, Karl83343114347115
Nov, Odom53517172521173
Palepoi, Catherine133433144437145
Palepoi, Lon133514171518172
Ramirez, Chris73765255771256
Robinson, Eli23494164496165
Sanders, Bill23584194586195
Soeung, David143536178538179
Stoessel, Johann113616205620206
Sullivan, James43417139423140
Sullivan, Lynda43362120364121
Swanson, Jeff113684228690229
Tedtaotao, Ed153677225679226
Truong, Johnny143497165499166
Turner, Meredith33381127387128
Vittner, Steven123537179543180
Wade, Paul1332729027491
Wade, Veronica133316105320106
Wagner, David63653217655218
Walton, Dusty113649216653217
Werner, Phil123542180544181
Westerman, Elliott43349116353117
Westerman, Noriko43302100304101
Yetman, Tom93451150455151
Zeissel, Colin13582194588195