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CenterID: 3794
West Seattle Bowl
4505 39th SW
SeattleWA 98116
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LeagueID: 122234
Bowls On: Wednesdays
Start Date: 09/06/2023
Start Time: 6:45 PM
Last Updated: 4/18/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

McEachern, Connie6272954109346110
Chbeir, Elena5333633110363111
Aramaki, Jade11303355111341112
Warshaw, Adam18303351111345112
Yost, Kacie5303448114347115
Neese, Graham103350116352117
Wallace, Beatriz14273177117363118
Russo, Jenny6212568122384123
Miller, Connie1243043126386127
Toles, Frank16334300130416131
Gibbs, Monica2334346131406132
Balliett, Dot15334365132423133
Tedtaotao, Marilu13334382132406133
Van Hassel, Stone5334487135409136
Carroll, Bill16334526137442138
McEachern, Alan6273766139434140
Sanborn, Jim12334611139429140
Richendifer, Nick5121736144439145
Shelton, Danielle9304479149471150
Smith, Aaron17304470149480150
Burnett, Miles11304512150471151
Moewes, Denice8274056150474151
Fry, Steven5253796151460152
Adams, Jeff17243651152480153
Wise, Corrine15304604153478154
Murray, Vern18335139155477156
Tuan, Jasmine13335147155469156
Billedo, Cory13304708156473157
Ochoa, Rafael10335174156478157
Rehm, Ian10304687156494157
Pellini, Paul10335181157507158
Wise, Wendi15304736157478158
Jarvimaki, Austin10335230158494159
Stremme, James7274302159498160
Murphy, Barbara9121944162501163
Russo, David6152432162502163
Tsun, Michael173488162490163
Carroll, Mitzi16335407163497164
Bauer, Linda9243956164499165
Lim, Norman3213489166519167
Flynn, Greg7284745169525170
Muncy, Tim17152557170521171
Carnes, Deb14294996172540173
Church, Caleb1305161172548173
Levine, Greg1335731173533174
Cofer, Bill2305221174554175
Lee, Cheryl15244177174548175
Skelly, Kevin18305243174532175
Favre, Tom3335830176542177
Johnson, Wayne14244231176548177
Richendifer, Mike7244236176543177
Dore, Tim791594177542178
Tong, Kris4335850177558178
Aramaki, Kenneth11305365178542179
Kroman, Justin17305353178554179
Tong, Kare4305395179545180
Hein, Howard3305549184556185
Trac, Trung17183312184573185
Bohlin, Gary3336117185579186
Good, John7305574185564186
Honda, Brian8305566185572186
King, Emily12244499187577188
Tong, Kannha4336197187571188
Rizzuto, Donelle83568189572190
Balliett-Legge, Echo1591717190575191
Honda, Natalie9336283190593191
Mark, Allen1336290190586191
Aramaki, Aubrey11336312191600192
McKenzie, Scott16336393193591194
Yang, Michael8275286195594196
Jacobs, Jan2336473196619197
King, Matt12214126196602197
Tamon, Sean2275292196618197
Johnson, Johnnie Ray4336658201614202
Tedtaotao, Ed13336735204645205
Fox, Ian12306306210657211
Wallace, Vince14336938210658211
Kinch, Jordan18306554218673219
Haugen, Joey8306667222692223