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CenterID: 3794
West Seattle Bowl
4505 39th SW
SeattleWA 98116
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LeagueID: 122895
Century 21
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 09/07/2023
Start Time: 7:00 PM
Last Updated: 4/18/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 153.
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 153.
Acosta, Marvin43473157475158
Albright, Derek31121860155480156
Anderson, Jesse76709118362119
Armocido, Sam76637106326107
Barnum, Ron1792110234710235
Batcher, Greg1791930214650215
Bellsey, Rob236902150457151
Berg, Jon961200200609201
Bigliardi, Lucas306958159482160
Blankemeyer, Tim73556185560186
Blevins, Christi22121667138418139
Booth, Tucker291303144437145
Bosquez, Erick13122405200610201
Boyles, Ben13122178181552182
Bradley, Graham31122089174536175
Braithwaite, Alec2791418157478158
Brown, Gary1491315146449147
Brown, Marqus24122195182550183
Butheau, Pierre-Yves791281142435143
Cittell, Alycia2332819328394
Clemons, Travis2861078179542180
Cloud, Brandon991287143441144
Collins, Matt2391764196600197
Collins, Mitchel23121976164499165
Cook, Samuel2891220135412136
Coronado, Leonardo256985164500165
Corr, Nathan26121575131405132
Cosand, Melisa106645107327108
Couts, Jeff1091477164503165
Daley, David14121579131401132
Dalton, Erik1265929829999
Daoust, Jessica1161034172523173
Dekowski, Ryan691414157482158
Dela Cruz, Jon1391518168510169
Donovan, Adam256752125382126
Dreamer, Tom2791272141432142
Eichmann, Eric193389129391130
Farvour, Bruce1591045116359117
Figueroa, Paul16121931160484161
Fiorianti, Helena1122216184559185
Frank, Jeremy133457152461153
Fry, William22121608134417135
Graft, Aaron12121565130400131
Gretty, Larry113437145439146
Hamstra, Mike1991228136416137
Harper, George10121761146444147
Hartman, Keith18122359196596197
Haugen, Dan2991661184559185
Heimgartner, Ron5121783148452149
Hickey, Charlie8121911159489160
Hobbs, Kevin991695188573189
Iles, Frank203439146443147
Irwin, Brian6121588132407133
Jack, Johnny283358119362120
James, Brian27121782148453149
Jasper, Nick991712190580191
Jay, Joe289940104320105
Jimenez, Dylan26122254187566188
Jiminez, AJ32121845153465154
Keever, Jeff296915152462153
Kencayd, Korby2491672185560186
Keys, Tyler1491782198606199
Kleinkopf, John273491163493164
Kvalheim, Robert2291380153468154
Ladner, John156967161491162
Laks, Rob86898149452150
Lee, Cameron30122000166505167
Leong, Ben20122306192589193
Little, Mark286602100307101
Lloyd, Lance246841140428141
Loffer, Micah1591256139424140
Long, Dan129992110340111
Looney, Shawn1591138126386127
Madden, Sean8122008167512168
Madsen, Richard286863143433144
Maglalang-Weakl, Andrew491363151461152
Maglalang-Weakl, Jason3122490207630208
Manning, Michael591992221672222
Manns, Michael156924154471155
Marston, Cory106863143433144
Martin, Joanna3121507125383126
Marzocco, Lucas8122306192589193
Massay, Tyler26121970164505165
McKenzie, Scott1691665185567186
McNeil, Bill7122722226683227
Moritz, Donny2991591176533177
Mueller, Karl73331110335111
Newell, Jack146758126385127
Novinski, Craig116986164499165
Ogle, Anthony163522174528175
Pena, Kimberly133388129392130
Phelps, Paul291345149455150
Pickett, Shay1932327723678
Ramirez, Chris992011223677224
Ramos, JR32122308192587193
Ricci, Peter1091252139428140
Robinson, Eli17121927160488161
Russell, Howard66772128389129
Sanborn, Byron276809134406135
Sanders, Bill16121832152463153