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CenterID: 2118
Sun Valley Lanes
321 Victory Lane
LincolnNE 68528-1585
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LeagueID: 128706
Triple Take 2023
Bowls On: Sundays
Start Date: 09/10/2023
Start Time: 5:00 PM
Last Updated: 4/7/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Addleman, Maddy591599177537178
Addleman, Payton591703189577190
Addleman, Shannon591206134414135
Addleman, Steve591857206627207
Austin, John1561154192583193
Bade, Jim1291752194588195
Benson, Dan1091428158480159
Benson, Stacy1091100122376123
Bergstraesser, Mark1591845205627206
Bottorff, Derek136857142430143
Bottorff, Jeremy1391601177535178
Bourne, Allen1191910212646213
Brewer, Bobby891832203616204
Burton, Natalie2591267140425141
Carlson, Jeremiah191957217659218
Carlson, Mark191813201611202
Cass, Ian1691652183556184
Clare, Aaron2091607178541179
Cornell, Kevin191800200612201
Cornell, Shannon191643182553183
Coudeyras, Gerold2391472163496164
Cummins, Kathy991310145442146
Daarud, Nate1391632181552182
Davis, Ryanna1191625180547181
Davis, Wyatt1191958217658218
Dietrich, John261037172520173
Dunn, Mike1991457161487162
Dunn, Sonya1991332148456149
Egner, Grace246861143435144
Egner, Jon2461178196595197
Estrada, Nate143466155470156
Fiala, Luke236846141432142
Foreman, Milt991422158486159
Foreman, Scott392073230699231
Gerhardt, Buddy1291679186565187
Gotschall, Monica263348116354117
Graham, Delveion1191411156473157
Griffin, Brad2191015112341113
Griggs, Daniel691377153471154
Hatt, David1691474163494164
Hehn, Jake183490163494164
Hermanson, Crystal2591524169516170
Hermanson, Derrick2591845205627206
Higgins, Nolan2491566174534175
Higgins, Teri2498459328394
Johnson, Jordyn263563187565188
Johnson, Taylor2632548425685
Kass, Eli1591799199601200
Kemper, Aaron1291925213643214
Kemper, Richard1291602178546179
Kettler, Casey206989164496165
Kettler, John2091469163499164
Kettler, Tim2091488165504166
Kontor, Colby1891547171517172
Kontor, Jorgan1891638182558183
Krueger, Doug491221135411136
Krueger, Tammy491198133410134
Kuhn, Cassie2291102122374123
Kukuchka, Kurt491254139426140
Kukuchka, Marcia49909101315102
Lafleur, Danielle223337112341113
Le, Thach891357150455151
Leibrandt, Eric2391651183557184
Masek, Derek891781197595198
Mohatt, Larry96950158481159
Nestroyl, Terry26959159481160
Nestroyl, Trenna291185131399132
Newton, Kevin1891752194588195
Oliver, Morgan391732192584193
Patterson, Greg1591228136416137
Peterson, Brad691168129392130
Polk, Janee391420157476158
Polk, Kristin391362151462152
Pratt, Carson73360120366121
Rauner, Angie1091166129394130
Rauner, Brian1091367151457152
Rejda, Jerry291797199603200
Rodriguez, Mike139989109331110
Rogers, Judie891398155474156
Rohwer, James263466155470156
Salazar, Toby223589196593197
Simpson, Krista216734122373123
Simpson, Mike2191388154472155
Smith, Alysa991867207629208
Street Sr., Clyde691469163499164
Street, Kathleen691017113351114
Teeters, Bill146721120368121
Teeters, Trena149960106324107
Thiessen, Caleb2591428158480159
Turner, Cheryl213507169513170
Vagts, Tom1691811201613202
Ward, Travis2391372152464153
West, Zack2291806200606201
Williams, Deaunte1661089181549182
Xunvas, Pancho731254112742