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CenterID: 3412
Smyrna Bowling Center
95 Weakley Ln
SmyrnaTN 37167
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LeagueID: 52799
Thursday Fun Bunch Fall 2023
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 08/24/2023
Start Time: 6:20 PM
Last Updated: 4/19/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 155.
 Page 1 of 2, items 1 to 100 of 155.
Bell, Keesha312723368627487
Morneau, Nicole143026068626587
, Lexi342019599729598
Jones, Rhonda3633327099330100
Lyons, Adrienne31303019100314101
Johnson, Angie7262700103316104
Naylor, Sherry28363732103324104
Kaylor, Sally10363904108347109
Naylor, Paul28151648109332110
Moody, Janie18303418113344114
Goring, Michelle37273179117361118
Lehn, Christina33303514117380118
Moore, Cristi31303600120393121
Moen, Maria22273270121390122
Mattingly, Michelle12334040122388123
McCormick, Michelle13212578122374123
Harris, Susan29303691123401124
Langford, Michelle6212620124380125
Minick, Nick1364490124385125
Wilson, Tish6364520125394126
Gustafson, Jae9364608128423129
Hood Sr., Bobby27324166130419131
Bradshaw, Suzanne35273594133426134
Castellon, Karen37304027134428135
Hensel, Caleb21273650135430136
Malone, Margaret4273648135432136
Harris, Eric35304094136427137
Hooper, Tara36364940137442138
Johnson, Chris66824137418138
Holmes, Chuck26304148138439139
Hooper, Jessica36365006139454140
Ridgeway, Leslie13294083140429141
Mckay, Daniel35212979141429142
Wohlford, Michael25152129141427142
Hood Jr., Bobby19365218144437145
Conrad, Andy21304375145443146
Brooks, Richard32334837146455147
Murphy, Mary8365267146466147
Dodson, Missy18304410147474148
Dominy, Michael33304451148466149
Parker, Curt4334946149454150
Williams, Brad9334921149479150
Bradshaw, Tony35334981150455151
Moody, Jason18365411150478151
Skiles, Jeremy2365468151460152
Collier, Julia25274108152482153
Langford, Kelvin6365498152469153
Wagner, Nick296918153468154
Cannon, John15304632154483155
Childers, Steve21365550154495155
Gore, Gene7304638154477155
Hood, Carissa19304645154470155
Floyd, James36365605155479156
Sanford, Brenda22365586155498156
Bell, Ken11365665157497158
Southall, Danny33473157475158
Boles, Scott4365712158489159
Gorman, Frankie373479159481160
Gustafson, Mike9365755159485160
Barker, Tammie16365763160516161
Irby, Cheryl13152413160485161
Lawwell, Kim26325151160484161
Bennett, Kathy16121943161487162
Cooper, Shane31121943161487162
Kaylor, Daniel10335322161510162
Martin, Thomas3365815161503162
Mounce, Jimmy23274372161488162
Murphy, Paul8365824161494162
Scott, Paige12365823161495162
Cantrell, Josh21304871162508163
Heisley, Andrew6365859162498163
Cobbs, Gay8304891163521164
Griffith, Larry20213434163502164
Kaylor, Ricky10335383163521164
Moore, Ricky30335394163510164
ONeal, Travis20152445163507164
Lehn, Matt33304924164521165
Baudoin, Sue13365986166527167
Crittenden, Terrance3365979166534167
Burian, Ken15335512167536168
Rains, Rick3274517167523168
Voyles, Kenneth19355869167515168
Roberts, Brian4152527168515169
Dodson, Mark18366135170534171
Scott, Mike12366139170530171
Harvey, Michelle29366169171539172
McPherson, Lisa11366168171540172
ONeal, Thomas20305134171542172
Ranchino, Suzy5366165171543172
Sparks, Pam3366204172543173
Dale, Wayne4335735173529174
Kaylor, Richard10366248173538174
Landrum, Dodie16305207173535174
Baker, Larry2335746174554175
Butler, Mike32183145174530175
Carver, James32213655174545175
Lee, Brett27305224174551175
Jones, Marlo34274749175531176
Kemp, Mike30335804175532176
Walker, Monica25244214175538176