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CenterID: 3412
Smyrna Bowling Center
95 Weakley Ln
SmyrnaTN 37167
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LeagueID: 49821
Monday Fun Bunch 2023-2024
Bowls On: Mondays
Start Date: 09/11/2023
Start Time: 6:20 PM
Last Updated: 4/23/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Dale, Wayne13425141427142
Gipson, Kristie12282141428142
Malone, Margaret13396132402133
Short, Carol13389129391130
Hankins, Terry23567189573190
Lawwell, Ben23634211638212
Rodriguez, Alvin23617205619206
Acuff, Alex33447149453150
Dale, Stephanie33494164496165
Dillingham, Jaye33509169511170
Hoagland, Lee33510170516171
Devers, Paul43434144436145
Kinchen, Peter43460153464154
Morneau, Nicole432849428695
Wachsmann, Jennifer43514171518172
Farmer, Donald53433144437145
Moore, Jodi532668826889
Parker, Curt53497165499166
Sisco, April53543181549182
James, Mike63580193584194
Thomas, Danny63539179541180
White, Greta73493164497165
Houston, Willie83571190575191
Patterson, Ricky83651217657218
Ranchino, Brian83563187565188
Ventura, Anthony83607202611203
Anderson, Robert93555185561186
Campbell, Rob93352117356118
Gerstmann, Ryan93453151459152
Kubiac, Gary93538179542180
Lewis, Jerry103322107326108
Lewis, Kyle103512170514171
Lewis, Timothy103498166504167
Moore, Ricky103467155469156
Beasley, Sheena113435145441146
Etheridge, Brian113515171517172
Johnson, Kelman113530176532177
Pearson, Ralph113327109333110
Burian, Ken123364121368122
Krapf, Bruce123507169513170
Martens, Paul123472157476158
Robert, Brent123544181548182
Gayles, Cedric133470156472157
Hill, Michael133508169512170
Lindsey, John133651217657218
Sanderford, Ervin133448149452150
Bishop, Kristian143525175531176
Bishop, Shawn143493164497165
Drennon, Marq143489163495164
Snyder, Kasey143426142432143
Dirheimer, Brian153445148449149
McNabb, Rusty153484161488162
Nichting, Ryan153566188568189
White, Bart153530176532177
Kirchner, Keith163554184556185
Nichting, Tom163492164498165
Voss, John163495165501166
Waldron, Danny163562187566188
Domen, Dave173404134406135
Harris, Rick173522174528175
Levey, Carrie173393131399132
McLemore, Sharon173390130396131
Denson, Jacop183478159482160
Denson, James183616205620206
Denson, Jesse183536178538179
Denson, Johna183366122372123
FRANCIS, TATIANNA193420140426141
Mastin, Levon193521173523174
Paulson, Duane193548182550183
Paulson, Sandie193462154468155