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CenterID: 5120
Bowland Port Charlotte
3192 Harbor Blvd
Port CharlotteFL 33952
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LeagueID: 81701
Friday Summer Fun 23
Bowls On: Fridays
Start Date: 05/26/2023
Start Time: 6:30 PM
Last Updated: 8/26/2023

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Broude, Rickey33428142430143
Bruns, Jimmy32454227686228
Carper, Garrett133439146443147
Carper, Judd143525175531176
Carper, Kathy143490163494164
Clark, Stewart203477159483160
Cook, David23368122370123
Criswell, Allie153356118358119
Criswell, Breanna163350116352117
Cuebas, Jon183653217655218
DePew, Jennifer173314104316105
DePew, William173460153464154
Dowling, William83486162492163
Fletcher, Shonn23403134407135
Flowers, Donna93484161488162
Flowers, Wes93497165499166
Gassera, Rosie43472157476158
Gillet, Tammy203347115349116
Goodwin, James143588196594197
Goodwin, Sarah183482160484161
Harris, Emanual163447149453150
Henderson, William143572190574191
Hobbs, Robert23402134408135
Hynes, Peter83569189571190
Ingrisano, Diane53353117355118
Johnson, Brian203652217656218
Johnson, Everett103559186563187
Jones, Chris133555185561186
Kruse, Daniel103596198598199
Langley, Dolores113413137415138
Leslie, Don43566188568189
Leslie, Olga83414138420139
Lindsay, Greg33648216654217
Mank, Linda732518325384
Marando, John103597199603200
McGloin, Kylee1332618726788
Middleton, Ronald123514171518172
Netz, Chris53543181549182
Netz, Edward53456152462153
Nigro-Marando, Dolores103554184556185
Northrop, Gary63591197597198
Palmer, Larry63502167506168
Palmer, Lillian63455151457152
Planck, Randy13542180544181
Prather, Ernest73515171517172
Rader, Angela163455151457152
Rader, John163550183554184
Riccio, Peggy33469156473157
Romano, Cindy1932929729698
Romness, Scott53609203615204
Sabino, Linda1932337723578
Sabino, Victor193544181548182
Sanne, Robert43521173523174
Schneider, Marisa13415138419139
Schneider, Stanley13624208630209
Seifert, Janice113415138419139
Seifert, Paul113437145439146
Smail, Jenn43401133403134
Smith, Kris15329799303100
Soucie, Ron73307102311103
Souza, Angie193320106322107
Stevens, Michael203481160485161
Suares, Jodi123546182552183
Swim, Tracy153303101309102
Urbahn, Patsy63442147446148
Ursomanno, Alfred83523174527175
Wallner, Chad23438146444147
Wilson, William153466155470156
Zohlmann, Gene93576192582193
Zohlmann, Patricia93449149451150