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CenterID: 623
Bowland Beacon
5400 Tamiami Trail N
NaplesFL 34108
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LeagueID: 68632
Freakin' Beacon 2023-2024
Bowls On: Thursdays
Start Date: 08/31/2023
Start Time: 6:20 PM
Last Updated: 4/12/2024

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Alvarado, Lorraine73452150454151
Baker, Thomas173503167505168
Belcher, Sharon233444148450149
Biegel, Samantha193615205621206
Bonnell, Jennifer133458152460153
Bonnell, Steven133534178540179
Bonnell, William133530176532177
Byrne, Justin63468156474157
Clark, Keith113555185561186
Cook, Michele43320106322107
Deason, Matthew233439146443147
Dulaney, Sabrina223353117355118
Dulaney Jr., Jeffrey213715238719239
Dulaney Sr., Jeffrey223498166504167
Fadely, Terry123402134408135
Fast, Alexandra203597199603200
Fast, Scott203571190575191
French, Jody113489163495164
Fuentes, Omar43306102312103
Gallagher, Lisa73467155469156
Gonzales, Juan73593197595198
Graser, Judi163428142430143
Green, Holly183619206623207
Green, Lance183502167506168
Gunter, Sonja123580193584194
Gunter, William123540180546181
Iorio, Jeffrey193585195591196
Jakubik, Deanna163366122372123
Jakubik, James163336112342113
Kastel, Kate532408024681
Keys-Smith, Sharron143514171518172
Knie, Alberto63595198599199
Kramer, Jason33561187567188
Kramer, Mike23534178540179
Landers, Bo113461153463154
Lee Jr.., Joshua103403134407135
Mahoney, Sandi183419139421140
Mahoney, William183585195591196
Marquina, Candice1731785918260
Matthew, Kinsley203697232701233
Matthews, Rick163501167507168
McCauley, Charles13524174526175
Meland, Wayne103505168509169
Mellert, Richard23609203615204
Moon, John63442147446148
Mortland, Rachael203632210634211
Murphy, Jean13371123373124
Murphy Jr.., Paul13529176533177
Murphy Sr.., Paul13450150456151
Myers, Tony53447149453150
Nagle, Shawn153562187566188
Nusz, Duane83579193585194
Nusz, Eileen83437145439146
Olson, Rick83553184557185
Ortega, Leo143433144437145
Ortega, Melanie143507169513170
Ostarello, Joseph213532177536178
Pfeiffer, Travis123648216654217
Prosser, Michael93419139421140
Prosser, Rita93480160486161
Rachu, Amee33443147445148
Roche, Margaret113484161488162
Rymer, Jeff213524174526175
Sedell, Richard223551183553184
Sedell, Sandra223360120366121
Smith, Michael143408136414137
Stankiewcz, Michael153384128390129
Swantek, Theodore193659219661220
Tauss, Phillip193519173525174
Taylor, Chuck53374124376125
Thorne, Jeff133624208630209
Tumbri, Michelle213607202611203
VanAuken, Stuart153467155469156
Zacchino, Jeannie103569189571190
Zimmerman, Robert83538179542180