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CenterID: 2661
B & B Bowling Lanes
3003 Fort Bragg Rd
FayettevilleNC 28303-4779
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LeagueID: 19157
Fall 2022-2023 Socialite TNBA
Bowls On: Fridays
Start Date: 08/19/2022
Start Time: 6:20 PM
Last Updated: 11/18/2023

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We all know that getting more strikes and spares will help increase your bowling average. However, did you know that if you set yourself a goal that you are more likely to achieve that goal?

If your goal each week is to increase bowling your average, then this page is for you. Below you will see what you need to bowl next week in order to increase bowling your average by one pin. Check this page out before you bowl each week and know your goal before you roll your first ball!

Click on a column heading to sort by that column ascending. Click again to sort descending. For printing of this data, use the icons to the right on the top of the list below. This will export the data into a printable format.

Adams, Timothy193559186563187
Addison, Murry183603201609202
Blackmon, Willie43602200604201
Bogan, Jimmie33489163495164
Boyd, Azalee33506168508169
Bragg, Howard123515171517172
Burns, Demond93671223673224
Carter, Richard53635211637212
Chapman, Rebecca243461153463154
Cooksey, Bob173545181547182
Crosby, Brian63487162491163
Dell, Tyrone153655218659219
Dingwell, David173538179542180
Edge, Miles173432144438145
Elliott, Lenwood23677225679226
Evans, Glen33589196593197
Evans, Qianna203438146444147
Faison, Clarence13611203613204
Fraizer, DeAngela193497165499166
Fraizer Sr., Michael53542180544181
Freeland, Larry183474158480159
Gamble, Rhonda163514171518172
Gamble, Wayne163545181547182
Glover, Tracy233367122371123
Goings, Donna23609203615204
Goings, Venell23531177537178
Gordon, Tommy73563187565188
Hadley, Deidra113443147445148
Hadley, Kendrick193508169512170
Hamiltion, Jair63651217657218
Hill, Debra203457152461153
Hollister, Jeremiah103667222671223
Hollister, Joshua103589196593197
Hollister, Lindsey103425141427142
Holmes, Larry143483161489162
Horne, Shanika113536178538179
Hunt, Anthony13620206622207
Jackson, Dennis83467155469156
Jackson, Matthew83692230694231
Jesse, Mychael23619206623207
Jeter, Melvin63547182551183
John, John63626208628209
Johnson, Charlie13577192581193
Joseph, Erran73564188570189
Joyner, James93537179543180
King, Darren53512170514171
Kirkman, Sandra73516172522173
Kirkman, Wayman73442147446148
Knight, Joel233592197596198
Lipsey, Henry83564188570189
Lucas, James233581193583194
Luck, Debbie33504168510169
Malone, Tite123612204618205
Melvin, Carl43568189572190
Melvin, Willie43665221667222
Middleton Sr., Charles133494164496165
Middleton Jr., Charles133421140425141
Middleton, Emily133417139423140
Milsap, Walter43516172522173
Monk, Duane113518172520173
Monroe, Charles213489163495164
Mulligan, Carols143464154466155
Olney, Jerry103512170514171
Parker, James53528176534177
Patterson, Antonio163575191577192
Phillips, Johnny123543181549182
Powell, Carl13573191579192
Rawls, Robert163569189571190
Reeves, Charles243577192581193
Rogers, Brian233618206624207
Simpson, Roscoe243600200606201
Singleton, Lewis123481160485161
Smith, Woodrow143529176533177
Sutton, Chuck153498166504167
Teeder-Riley, Kimberly153539179541180
Teets, Bruce173604201608202
Thompson, Daisy132345172520173
Vasquez, Pedro153512170514171
Walker, James213613204617205
Weems, Theresa213543181549182
Williams, Anthony203533177535178
Williams, Dante213394131398132
Williams, Ivan183515171517172
Williams, Wilburt93514171518172